Exploring Spirituality from a post-jungian perspective, by Ruth Williams

Ruth Williams

MA (Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies)

Jungian Analyst - Analytical Psychologist.
Integrative Psychotherapist and Supervisor.
British Psychoanalytic Council accredited.
UK Council for Psychotherapy registered.

Clinical Supervisor and Member BAPPS.

Publications and talks

Understanding The Shadow with Ruth Williams

Apple podcast: Shine a Light with Tom Edgar

In May 2022 Ruth was interviewed for an episode of the Shine a Light podcast, which explored the Jungian concept of the “Shadow”. In this episode, Understanding the “Shadow”, Ruth introduces listeners to the concept of the “Shadow” and explains its part in our personality. The podcast is available to listeners here.

Article: Getting in touch with your Shadow self

In July 2024 Ruth was asked to write an article on The Shadow by ‘Psyche’ which is a digital magazine published by Aeon Media that illuminates the human condition through psychology, philosophy and the arts. The piece can be read here.

Talk on Soul and Spirit in Jungian Analysis

To tie in with the publication of her new book (see below), Ruth Williams was invited by the Association of Jungian Analysts to present a talk on “Soul and Spirt in Jungian Analysis” on Tuesday 7th March 2023.

There were a few technical difficulties which mean that the PowerPoint slides did not synch properly and the beginning of the talk was cut off. The talk began as follows before the recording picks it up:

“I would like to begin by thanking AJA for inviting me to speak today. This is the first time I have been invited to talk at a monthly meeting (apart from my reading in and when I was part of a panel on race).

What I am saying today is based on a chapter in my new book entitled Exploring Spirituality from a Post-Jungian Perspective: Clinical and Personal Reflections (Routledge 2023) which is out now.

In the book I explore the deeper meanings of life and how we navigate them. It is about being human in the Yiddish sense – being a ‘mensch’ – which means being a decent human being, having humanity, living ethically with integrity. It is about ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’ (which can so easily become a tyranny of consumption, of over-rationality and one-upmanship which stimulates so much disharmony. Grace is the thread – the mystery – behind it all which binds it together and makes life meaningful, purposeful and potentially joyful and spiritually fulfilling.”

The book itself may be purchased from Routledge with a 20% reduction by using this discount code: ESA31.

The talk may be viewed here (using the Passcode: 0k5PM1Q&):

https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/gN0xF9hqGMpjRGtAdvp_xOTrEEN2m30eWqlxWU3wVXYiW0iF uP712CTDCO3WBW2R.XcFvGO1IoANO7Ha7?startTime=1678220712000


Talk on Soul and Spirit in Nature

The Green Conference in London on 29th October 2022.

The following talk was based on Ruth’s chapter in Mathers, D. (Ed.) (2021) Depth Psychology and Climate Change: The Green Book. London and New York: Routledge.

https://www.youtube.com/watchv=G9i mqRYh9Zk


Soul and Spirit in Jungian Analysis

Talk to Thiasos Project in Sao Paolo, Brazil on 4th November 2022.

(Please note that the introduction is in Portuguese with no subtitles so you may want to skip to the body of the talk.)



Exploring Spirituality from a post-jungian perspective, by Ruth Williams

The following is a list of books, chapters and articles written by Ruth Williams:

Ruth’s new book is Exploring Spirituality from a Post-Jungian Perspective: Clinical and Personal Reflections. London and New York: Routledge (2023). The book may be purchased from Routledge with a 20% discount by using the code ESA31 (valid until 30th June 2023) here:
https://www.routledge.com/Exploring-Spirituality-from-a-Post-Jungian-Perspective-ClinicalandPersonal/Williams/ p/book/9781032256818

The following is a list of books, chapters and articles written by Ruth Williams:

Exploring Spirituality from a post-jungian perspective, by Ruth Williams

Ruth’s new book is Exploring Spirituality from a Post-Jungian Perspective: Clinical and Personal Reflections. London and New York: Routledge (2023). The book may be purchased from Routledge with a 20% discount by using the code ESA31 (valid until 30th June 2023) here:
https://www.routledge.com/Exploring-Spirituality-from-a-Post-Jungian-Perspective-ClinicalandPersonal/Williams/ p/book/9781032256818

Ruth Williams. C. G. Jung - the basics

C. G. Jung: The Basics was published by Routledge in 2019 and has been favourably reviewed in a number of professional journals. It can be purchased on Amazon here.

It was chosen by Routledge to be the first Jungian title to be released as an audiobook, available on Amazon here.

The book may be bought at a discount by following the links on the flyer you will find here.

For a blog post about the publication of C.G. Jung: The Basics see here.

Ruth has contributed a chapter entitled “Living in the Shadow of War” in Lockdown Therapy: Jungian Perspectives on How the Pandemic Changed Psychoanalysis (London and New York: Routledge, 2023). London and New York: Routledge.

Ruth’s paper given at the triennial Congress of the International Association for Analytical Psychology in Vienna in 2019 has recently been published in an eBook of the Congress proceedings.

Ruth has contributed one chapter, “Our Connection with Animals and the Universe: Psychology, Symbols, Spirituality and the New Physics”, to Depth Psychology and Climate Change: The Green Book, (Ed. Mathers). The book is available from Routledge here and on Amazon here.

Ruth contributed various entries in The Encyclopaedia of Psychology & Religion (Eds. D. A. Leeming, K. Madden, S. Marlan) (New York: Springer, 2009).

Ruth contributed the chapter on “Analytical Psychology” in The Sage Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Ed. Feltham and Horton) (London: Sage, 2023)

A chapter on “Atonement” in Alchemy and Psychotherapy: Post-Jungian Perspectives (Ed. Mathers) (London and New York: Routledge, 2014) (now translated into Russian).

Ruth edited a feature in the UK Council for Psychotherapy’s journal, The Psychotherapist, in Summer 2011 (Issue 48) containing a selection of articles which give a general overview of contemporary Jungian Analysis. See PDF.

Ruth’s Masters dissertation has been published in slightly abridged form in the Association of Jungian Analysts’ 40th Anniversary Festschrift (2017) (available from https://www.jungiananalysts. org.uk/contact-us/)

Ruth edited the proceedings of a conference on “Jungian Analysis and Humanistic Psychotherapy: Critical Connections – Past, Present and Future” (Self & Society Vol.43 Issue 3: Routledge, 2015).

To hear the talks see

The following Open Letter published in the British Journal of Psychotherapy in October 2018 expresses the concerns of a number of Jungians – analysts, clinicians and academics – about the Jungian field’s collective responsibility to respond to critiques of the overt and implicit racial biases within Jung’s work, and its implications for the work today. The signatories to this letter hope that its circulation and inclusion on websites will signal their continuing commitment to an open exploration of these matters. The letter may be found here.

The following is a video introduction by Dr Christopher Carter to his paper, ‘Time for space at the table: an African American – Native American analyst-in-training’s first-hand reflections. This is a call for the IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology) to publicly denounce (but not erase) what Carter refers to as “the White supremacist writings of C.G. Jung”. The paper was published in the February 2021 Edition of the Journal of Analytical Psychology and won the Gravida Award for the best student paper of 2021. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ze5ZiUetsQ