Ruth Williams

MA (Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies)

Jungian Analyst - Analytical Psychologist.
Integrative Psychotherapist and Supervisor.
British Psychoanalytic Council accredited.
UK Council for Psychotherapy registered.

Clinical Supervisor and Member BAPPS.

About Psychotherapy

How Therapists Qualify


Training to become a psychotherapist is usually a post-graduate course lasting a minimum of four years. An intrinsic part of such training is undergoing one’s own lengthy psychotherapy.

There is then an on-going process of Continuing Professional Development to keep in touch with contemporary debates within the field, to expand the knowledge base and to maintain links within the profession.

Who is Psychotherapy for?

Psychotherapy is an effective treatment for a range of issues. Psychotherapy can contribute to a person’s mental and physical health, to their sense of well-being and to their ability to cope with and manage their life. While some people seek therapy for help with everyday relationship issues or with struggles living in a more authentic manner, for some it may be a deep sense of spiritual alienation or disjunction so that there is a sense of not living fully or to your full potential. Living through the Coronavirus pandemic has alerted some to a sense of lack of soulful connection in life. Psychotherapy can be a place to bring such issues and to find a way through to living a more fulfilled existence.

People seek help for many reasons such as:

• Depression
• Anxiety
• Eating disorders
• Psycho-somatic conditions
• Body-image
• Gender and sexuality issues
• Abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, psychological….)
• Obsessional behaviour
• Dissatisfaction in work/life
• General counselling
• Difficulties in relationships or
• Forming satisfactory partnerships, as well as
• Spiritual dis-ease
• Dream work

Alternatives to Private Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is available on the National Health Service although there is usually a waiting period of at least six months and treatment is generally for a limited time-span. Your GP will be able to advise you about provision in your own locality.

Some private health care plans fund limited psychotherapy and I will be happy to cooperate in order to get your therapy funded if this is an option for you (I am a BUPA Consultant).

Most of the psychotherapy trainings have ‘clinics’ where their trainees see people under strict supervision during training at a substantially reduced cost. I will be pleased to assist with referral to one of these clinics if appropriate.

There is also a free psychotherapy network for people on low incomes and benefits (see https://freepsychotherapynetwork .com/) which operates across the country.